A Bowl of Noodles

Stephen, a 14 year old boy was seen alone in the mid of the road. It was almost 10 pm; he was walking alone on the streets on a breezy night.

He recalled the incident that made him fight with his mother and he moved out of the house like a storm. His eyes were filled with tears.

He had a fight with his mother from morning. His mom inquired about his low grades in the recent exam. Stephen had a careless attitude and did not reply her well. She scolded him in the evening for being so careless. He quarreled with his mother and argued without understanding he was also in fault. The fight ended up so badly that Stephen left his home.

He walked for almost more than 2 hours. He smelled a nice flavor from a shop and was attracted by the sweet smell. He couldn’t resist the smell of that nice flavor and he felt very hungry.

It was a small noodles shop and he stopped by the shop. Suddenly he realized there’s not even a single penny in his pocket. With sad face, he stood there for a minute and decided to leave the place. The shop owner saw him and asked him to have some food.

Stephen told he has no money to pay for the food. The shop owner smiled, said, ‘It’s ok. I don’t ask you any money’ and asked him to eat some food as he looked very tired.

The shop owner prepared a hot bowl of sweet and delicious noodles. Stephen ate the noodles and thanked the shop owner from his heart. He felt that he owes something to the shop owner and promised him that he would return his favor.

Stephen was in tears when he ate the noodles.

The shop owner asked what happened to him and why he cried when he was eating the noodles. Stephen narrated the incident to him, the quarrel with his mother and felt that his mother did not understand him.

The shop owner asked Stephen, ‘Do you feel you owe me something right?’

Stephen said, ‘Yes. Definitely! This is a great help you did for me. I was very hungry as I ate nothing from the noon!’

The shop owner smiled, ‘Good my dear young man! Now think about your mom. She was there with you from the moment you born. In fact she carried you in her. She cooked for you. She played with you. She helped you and consoled you with all her heart in your difficult times. She was there for you when you needed her. Even now, she had fight with you for your goodness. What did she expect? Nothing! Don’t you feel indebted to her?’

Stephen realized his mistake, thanked the shop owner, rushed to his home. He saw his mother standing with tears on their street.

His mother said, ‘where did you go? I was searching for you everywhere I cooked your favorite meal. Come and have it now. You must be so hungry!’

He hugged her and pleaded to forgive him.Steph

Stephen adalah seorang anak berumur 14 tahun, terlihat sendirian di tengah-tengah jalan. Saat itu hampir pukul 10 malam; dia sedang berjalan sendirian di malam yang berangin lembut.

Dia mengingat kembali peristiwa yang menyebabkan dirinya bertengkar dengan ibunya dan memutuskan pergi dari rumah seketika. Matanya dipenuhi air mata.

Dia bertengkar dengan ibunya semenjak pagi. Ibunya bertanya kenapa dirinya mendapat nilai buruk pada ujian terakhir. Stephen mempunyai perilaku gegabah dan tidak menaruh perhatian pada perkataan ibunya. Dia memarahinya pada suatu malam karena sangat ceroboh. Dia bertengkat dengan ibunya dan membantah tanpa menyadari kesalahannya. Pertengkaran saat itu demikian hebat sampai Stephen meninggalkan rumah.

Dia berjalan hampir 2 jam lebih. Dia mencium bau sedap dari sebuah warung dan tertarik olehnya. Tak tahan baunya, dia merasa sangat lapar.

Bangunan itu adalah warung mie kecil. Ia berhenti di dekatnya. TIba-tiba dia sadar, tak ada uang sepeser pun di kantongnya. Dengan muka sedih, dia berdiri disana sebentar dan memutuskan untuk meninggalkan tempat itu. Pemilik warung melihatnya dan memintanya untuk makan.

Stephen mengatakan bahwa dia tidak mempunyai uang. Pemilik warung tersenyum, said, ‘Tidak masalah. Aku tidak memintamu membayarnya." Dan memintanya untuk makan sebab dia kelihatan lelah.

Pemilik warung menyiapkan semangkuk mie panas yang lezat. Stephen makan mie itu dan berterima kasih kepada pemilik warung atas kebaikan hatinya. Dia merasa berhutang budi padanya dan berjanji akan membalasnya.

Stephen makan mie itu dengan air mata yang mengalir.

Pemilik warung bertanya apa yang terjadi padanya sehingga dia menangis saat menyantap mie. Stephen menceritakan kejadian yang dialaminya, pertengkaran dengan ibunya dan perasaannya bahwa ibunya tidak memahaminya.

Pemilik warung bertanya pada Stephen, "Apakah kamu berhutang budi padaku?"

Stephen menjawab, "Tentu saja! Bantuan ini sangat berarti bagiku. Saya sangat lapar karena belum makan sejak siang!"

Pemilik warung tersenyum, "Begini anak muda! Marilah berpikir tentang ibumu. Dia selalu ada untukmu mulai dari kamu lahir. Bahkan dialah yang mengandungmu. Dia memasak untukmu. Dia bermain bersamamu. Dia membantumu dan menghiburmu dengan tulus di saat-saat tersulitmu. Dia ada saat kamu membutuhkannya. Bahkan saat ini dia bertengkar denganmu demi kebaikanmu. Apa yang dia dapat? Tidak ada! Tidakkah kamu merasa berhutang budi padanya?"

Stephen menyadari kesalahannya, setelah berterima kasih pada pemilik warung, bergegaslah ia pulang. Dia melihat ibunya berdiri di jalan sambil menangis.

Ibunya berkata, "Kemana kamu pergi? Aku mencarimu kemana-mana. Aku memasak makanan kesukaanmu. Ayo masuk dan makanlah. Kamu pasti lapar!"

Dia memeluknya dan meminta ibunya memaafkannya.

Sumber gambar: holleyexley.com

A Bowl of Noodles Rating: 4.5 Diposkan Oleh: Good Dreamer

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